Recipe for meatballs with tomato sauce


(For 6 People)

500g minced beef
350g tomatoes, cleaned
100g celery, finely chopped
100g carrots, finely chopped
350 g bread
40 ml İçim Fresh Cream
4 eggs
80 gr Butter
1 tbsp İçim Kashkaval Cheese, grated
Salt, black pepper


Fry the carrots and celery in a pan with 30 g of İçim Butter. Add the ground beef and cook until it turns color, without letting it brown. Remove from heat, pour the minced meat with vegetables into a mixing bowl. Set aside 1-2 slices of bread and pass it through the food processor. Add 2 eggs, a spoonful of flour, a pinch of salt and pepper and mix, let it rest for half an hour. Chop the tomatoes. Fry in the pan for a few minutes with the remaining İçim Butter. Cover and cook for 5 minutes over low heat. Add half a glass of water and add the İçim Cream. Cook for another 2-3 minutes, remove from heat, let rest.
Pass the meat mixture through the food processor. Cut small pieces from the mixture and shape them into meatballs. Put the remaining eggs in a bowl and whisk. Crumble the remaining bread. Put the flour and crumbled bread in separate bowls as well. Roll the meatballs first in flour, then in beaten eggs, and finally in crumbled bread.

Fry them in plenty of hot oil and remove them on towel paper to drain the oil. Drizzle the prepared tomato sauce over them. Garnish with Grated İçim Kashar Cheese.



