700 g oats
250 g of slivered almonds
250 g walnuts, crushed
120 g whole wheat
120 g natural brown sugar
50 g molasses
50 g sunflower oil
1 tablespoon vanilla
2 teaspoons cinnamon powder
250 g raisins
500 gr İçim Yoghurt
1 handful of fresh blueberries
Preheat your oven to 200 degrees. Mix the oats, almonds, walnuts and whole wheat in a large bowl. In a separate bowl, mix the brown sugar, molasses, oil, vanilla, salt and spices. Add the molasses mixture to the oat mixture and mix into a dough. Spread it on the baking trays where you have previously laid greaseproof paper. Bake the cookie for about 50-60 minutes until browned. Turn over halfway through the cooking time. Take the cookie base from the oven into a large bowl and crumble it, add the raisins. To serve, fill half of the glasses or bowls with the crushed cookies, add 3 tablespoons of İçim Yoghurt and repeat with another layer. Refrigerate and serve cold. Garnish with muesli crumbs and blueberries.
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