İçim Ayran: A Natural and Delicious Beverage Option

İçim Ayran is a natural and healthy drink that provides a feeling of refreshment and renewal. İçim Ayran varieties stand out as an option that can be safely consumed anywhere and at any time of the day with its ideal flavor and consistency.

Varieties of İçim Ayran

  • İçim Ayran offers varieties suitable for different consumption preferences:

Cup Ayran: Served in practical and single-serving glasses, İçim Ayran provides quick refreshment. It accompanies you in every moment.

Bottle Ayran: It is the type of İçim Ayran offered in bottle packaging that allows it to maintain its freshness and flavor for a long time. You can enjoy it at work, at home, at a picnic or on a trip.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the content of Ayran?

Ayran is a drink made from yogurt, water, and salt. İçim Ayran is also produced by adhering to this traditional recipe. The yogurt in İçim Ayran contains beneficial bacteria for your body, while water and salt support the balance of fluids and minerals in the body.

What is İçim Ayran Nutritional Value and Calorie Content?

Ayran is a healthy drink that is known for its nutritional value. İçim Ayran is a healthy option that is also rich in nutrients.
İçim Ayran is a healthy drink option with a nutritious structure. You can choose İçim Ayran to support a healthy lifestyle and experience a refreshing drink experience.

How should Ayran be stored?

İçim Ayran should be stored in the refrigerator until the end of the consumption date on the package to preserve its freshness and flavor. This way, it can always be consumed as a refreshing drink.
To learn more about İçim Ayran varieties, the benefits of Ayran, and its content, you can visit icim.com.tr. İçim Ayran, as a natural and delicious drink option, opens the doors to a good and healthy life for you.
İçim İçim Rahat İçim Fit İçim Şef İçim İçimino İçim Dolcia



